

updateclam.sh その後。



# updateclam.sh -- script for updateing ClamAV for ClamXav

# require: Developer Tools 
#        : System been already installed gmp (GNU MP Library) 
#        : on Network 

# optional: support auto FleshClamDaemon stop/start

# Limitation: Dose not support first install of ClamAV

#* History

# Original Version of this script is downloadables in  
# http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20060409060940665&query=clam

# version 2006:09:05
#  support yuji-okamura/official filerule (permission group and owner set)
# version 2006:05:10
#  backup directory support for previous freshclam.conf
#  switching FreshClamDaemon stop/start in before/end updating;
#  FreshClamDaemon : author yuji_okamura 
# version 2006:05:08
#  changing VARIABLE url's value ; download site to jaist Japan mirror
#  adding sudo command in front of chmod,chgrp,chown
# version 2006:07:02
#  1st tested ! and modify messages

#* Variable

#** clambkdir is a backup dir which store README and previous freshclam.conf

clambkdir="/usr/local/clambk" #/var/log/freshclamconf,
oldfreshclamconf="${clambkdir}/freshclam.bk" # fixed backup 
#oldfreshclamconf=${clambkdir}/freshclam.conf`date "+%Y%m%d"` # saving when every update

#** filerule: mode owner group rule 

filerule="yuji-okamura" # support FreshClamDaemon
#filerule="official"    # don't support FreshClam daemon

#**mirrorurl is URL of mirror site for downloading clamav 

mirrorurl="http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/clamav/clamav-"   #Jaist in JPN mirror

#clamXavdir is the dir being installed clamav :don't change !/usr/local/clamXav 

clamXavdir="/usr/local/clamXav" #fixed
etcdir="${clamXavdir}/etc" #fixed
bindir="${clamXavdir}/bin" #fixed
clamavdir="${clamXavdir}/share/clamav" #fixed
newfreshclamconf="${etcdir}/freshclam.conf" #fixed
orgfreshclamconf="${etcdir}/freshclam.conf.org" #fixed
binfreshclam="${bindir}/freshclam" #fixed
freshclamlog="${clamavdir}/freshclam.log" #fixed

#** StartupItems is the dir for StartupItems has been FleshClamDaemon

StartupItems="/Library/StartupItems" #fixed (Default for FleshClamDaemon)
#StartupItems="/System/Library/StartupItems" #fixed (SystemDaemon)
FleshClamDaemon="${StartupItems}/FleshClamDaemon/FleshClamDaemon" #fixed (Binary)


#** Pre clamav updating

if [ ! -d "$clamXavdir" ]; then
   printf "WARNING: Not exist $clamXavdir dir \n"
   printf "This script is not be tested such first install"
   printf "Stop"
   exit 0

if [ ! -d "$clambkdir" ]; then
   mkdir -p "$clambkdir"

if [ ! -f "$oldfreshclamconf" ]; then
   sudo cp -r "$newfreshclamconf" "$oldfreshclamconf"

if [ "$filerule" = "yuji-okamura" ] ; then
   if [ -f "$FreshClamDaemon" ]; then
      printf "Stopping FreshClamDaemon \n"
      sudo "$FreshClamDaemon" stop
      printf "\n OK \n"
      printf "No FreshClamDaemon \n \n OK \n "

#** updating clamav 

#*** to get number of latest version,downloadng a file in the default location 

latest=`curl -O "http://www.clamav.net/stable.php#pagestart" \
; grep "released (" stable.php* | awk '{print $2}' | head -1`

#*** downloading latest tar gz package of clamav and melt-compile-make it

curl -O ${mirrorurl}${latest}.tar.gz && \
printf "The latest version of clamav %s has been downloaded!\n" $latest && \
tar zxvf clamav-$latest.tar.gz && \
cd clamav-$latest
./configure --prefix="$clamXavdir" &&
make && \
printf "\n \n Input Passord to make install clamAV \n \n " && \
sudo make install && \
printf "\n \n changing file ownership...mode...group...\n"
if [ "$filerule" = "yuji-okamura" ] ; then
    printf "by yuji-okamuras rule\n"
    sudo chown -R root:admin    "$etcdir"
    sudo chmod 0775             "$etcdir"
    sudo chmod 0664             "${etcdir}"/*
    sudo chown -R root:admin    "$bindir"
    sudo chmod 0755             "$bindir"
    sudo chmod 0755             "${bindir}"/*
    sudo chown -R clamav:clamav "$clamavdir"
    sudo chmod 0755             "$clamavdir"
    sudo chmod 0644             "${clamavdir}"/*
    printf "by official rule\n"
    sudo chown -R root:admin    "$etc"
    sudo chmod 0775             "$etcdir"
    sudo chmod 0664             "${etcdir}"/*
    sudo chown -R root:admin    "$bindir"
    sudo chmod 0755             "$bindir"
    sudo chmod 0755             "${bindir}"/*
    sudo chown clamav           "$binfeshclam"
    sudo chmod u+s              "$binfeshclam"
    sudo chown -R clamav:clamav "$clamavdir"
    sudo chmod 0755             "$clamavdir"
    sudo chmod 0644             "${clamavdir}"/*
    sudo touch                  "$clamavlog"
    sudo chmod a+wr             "$clamavlog"

#** return saved files

if [ -d "${clambkdir}" ]; then
   if [ -f "$newfreshclamconf" ]; then
       sudo cp -r "$newfreshclamconf"  "$orgfreshclamconf"
       printf "\n\n WARNING: No new original $newfreshclamconf\n "
       printf "\n\n WARNING: Install uncorrectly ? \n "
   if [ -f "$oldfreshclamconf" ]; then
       printf "USE saved freshclam.conf\n "
       sudo cp -r "$oldfreshclamconf" "$newfreshclamconf"
       printf "\n\n WARNING: No saved file $oldfreshclam.conf\n "
       printf "\n\n WARNING: USE NEW freshclam.conf\n "
   printf "No $clambkdir .. Use original one OK  \n"

#** post clamav updating...

if [ "$filerule" = "yuji-okamura" ] ; then
   if [ ! -f "$FreshClamDaemon" ]; then
      printf "No FreshClamDaemon... OK \n "
      printf "Re-modify freshclam mode \n "
      sudo chown clamav "$binfreshclam"
      sudo chmod u+s "$binfreshclam"
      printf "Re-modify freshclam mode Done \n "

#*** test run...

printf "test runing freshclam of version %s \n ", $latest && \
"$binfreshclam" && \
printf "Removing all source files.." && \
cd ..
rm -Rf clamav-$latest
rm -f clamav-$latest.tar.gz
rm -f stable.php*

if [ "$filerule" = "yuji-okamura" ] ; then
   if [ -f "$FreshClamDaemon" ]; then
      sudo "$FreshClamDaemon" start
      printf "Start FreshClamDaemon .. done \n"